function _CFAQ() { this.lastOpened = ''; return this; } _CFAQ.prototype.IsDisplaySupported = function() { if( window.opera && !document.childNodes ) return false; if( document.getElementById || document.all ) return true; return false; } _CFAQ.prototype.getQueryVar = function(varName) { var q =; var v = q.split('&'); for( var i=0; i < v.length; i++ ) { var p = v[i].split('='); if( p[0] == varName ) return p[1]; } return null; } _CFAQ.prototype.getObj = function(obj) { return ( document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(obj) : ( document.all ? document.all[obj] : null ) ); } _CFAQ.prototype.displayObj = function(obj, status) { var x = this.getObj(obj); if( x && ) = status; } _CFAQ.prototype.display = function(faq_id, isLink) { if( this.IsDisplaySupported() ) { if( !isLink ) { if( this.lastOpened != '' ) { this.displayObj(this.lastOpened, 'none'); } if( this.lastOpened != faq_id ) { this.displayObj(faq_id, ''); this.lastOpened = faq_id; } else { this.lastOpened = ''; } } return false; } return true; } var CFAQ = new _CFAQ(); if( !CFAQ.IsDisplaySupported() ) { var u_faq = window.location.href; u_faq += ( u_faq.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 'dhtml=no'; window.location.replace(u_faq); } /************************************************************* * DHTML Collapsible FAQ MOD v1.0.0 * * Copyright (C) 2004, Markus ( * This script is released under GPL License. * Feel free to use this script (or part of it) wherever you need * it ...but please, give credit to original author. Thank you. :-) * We will also appreciate any links you could give us. * * Enjoy! ;-) *************************************************************/